We didn't have a huge get together just close family (which
is better if you ask me). This is the first year I actually helped make lunch
for everyone so that means this is the first year I had to clean up after it
was all done too. Last night after work I helped cut turkey, make cinnamon
butter, and whip up some Texas sheet cake; and to take the nerve off we played
a round of chubby bunny.

This morning I hoped to sleep till 9 but no such luck,
I was up and ready to go by 8:30 am. So after getting dressed and eating some
cereal I was in the kitchen getting ready. My grandma had about 5 meltdowns in
an hour’s time, so I pealed and cut up 10lbs of potatoes for the mashed potatoes, made my green bean casserole,
helped make stuffing, and spiral ham (my favorite).
All in all it was a good day
for food, family, and playing Barbie’s with my little cousin. Now watching
Netflix and napping until later when Jesse and I go on our “holiday date night
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