Monday, April 4, 2016

What we have been up to

Hey everyone! It has been a while since I have done a post, and we have had a TON of stuff going on lately, and as I have said before writing is a way for me to deal with things and I usually feel better once I have written something. So this is probably going to be a longer post, just a heads up!

So in August, my cousin and her husband welcomed their first baby, a little boy. He is the cutest! I love being able to spend as much time with him as I do, it definitely made my baby fever go through the roof!

In August, we also got a new puppy. She is a blue heeler Border collie mix. We named her Ryder. She is the sweetest puppy; she is now 10 (on April 9th) months old. She is very vocal at times, and for such a little thing her bark sounds pretty vicious. She isn’t too fond of dogs that are bigger than her, but she LOVES my best friends dog, Malice, who is a Bichon Frise. She isn’t as hyper as we expected her to be, and training has been a bit more difficult than it was with Lennox, but she’s a pretty good dog. Unfortunately, we had to put Lennox down in December. It wasn't an easy decision, but it was something that needed to be done. I miss Lennie everyday.

In September, Jesse's mom was involved in a car accident, and she is beyond lucky to be alive. We are so thankful that she is still with us!
In October I saw my OB/GYN for a yearly check up and I needed to have a lump in my right breast checked out. I first noticed the bump when I learned I was pregnant, and it continued to grow. After my miscarriage, I kind of forgot about it until I noticed it had grown significantly. So my doctor sent me to the Woman’s center for an ultrasound.

In November I had my initial consult, and the doctor who performed the ultrasound wanted to do a biopsy because he said there were something’s about the lump that he didn’t like. So on November 24th I had a biopsy done, the actual procedure took less than 10 minutes, but I definitely felt sore afterwards. The results of the biopsy were good. It was just a fibroadenoma, which is just a big word for a type of benign tumor. The doctor did recommend having it removed though because it was about 3cm in size and when we do get pregnant again, it would most likely grow and could affect my chances of breast-feeding.

December 29th, 2015 I had the lump removed. I have NEVER had any type of surgery before and I have never had any anesthesia. So this was a new experience for me. I was extremely nervous the day of surgery. Jesse had to work so my grandparents took me and stayed to take me home. I remember the nurse giving me something in my IV to make me a little calmer, and I didn’t feel it t first, but all the sudden I felt like I had just done 15 or so shots and it was hitting me hard and fast. I started laughing and told the nurse I think I did some shots, and she laughed.

Once we got to the operating room I moved onto the operating table and they put something on my legs and strapped my arms down. They put the mask on my face, and I remember my arm and face got really hot and it felt like someone was pushing down on them, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. The surgeon was AMAZING; I couldn’t of been any happier with him. Apparently as soon as he was done I was talking in the operating room, telling him that my grandma and I were going dress shopping and going out to dinner.

I was in recovery for a long time; my blood pressure kept dropping, at one point it was on 60/80, so I had to stay in recovery until they got it back up. After they got my blood pressure up, I was able to go home. We did go dress shopping after, and I definitely over did it. The next few days I slept a lot, but overall I wasn’t feeling too bad, just tired.

In January my dad borrowed my car, and was involved in a minor accident, but it has turned into a giant shit show.

In February, on Jesse’s birthday, he got a speeding ticket. Totally his fault, but it doesn’t make it suck any less.

In March, I was involved in my “first” accident, it shook me up a bit, and I did get a concussion from it. I hit my head on my driver door window, and it shattered. I am still without a car, because insurance cant decided if they are going to total it, or fix it. So I am in a rental until further notice.
Jesse was crashed his car, luckily he was fine, and his car was fine too. Just had to replace the headlights. The officer who gave him a ride said he was lucky to be alive. His car spun around, and flew across the other side of the highway and hit a tree.

The only other news we really have, is we are officially trying for a baby. I will be blogging this journey, hopefully resulting in a successful pregnancy. We are very excited to see what the next chapter in our lives look like!