This week we are on vacation, but sadly it’s not really a vacation at all; It’s packing, moving, and settling in for now. Our apartment is a huge mess and it’s driving me nuts not being able to do things like normal because most of our stuff is all packed up. So let’s do a quick weekend recap.
My weekend started Friday night. Jesse took me on a semi date night. We had dinner then went to a local watering hole for drinks and pool. And let me just say I did in fact win a game against Jesse fair and square.
Saturday my mom came over and helped me start packing. I also got Lilly a Halloween costume, yes I did in fact buy my cat a Halloween costume. She wasn't too thrilled with it but she was a good sport ( for the most part).
We went to dinner with my parents and a hockey game after. We had AMAZING seats! And I got them free from work, so can’t complain too much. After we met up with some friends for drinks and danced the night away.

Sunday Funday consisted of sleeping off my killer headache, eating lunch, napping, and then hanging out with our neighbor (who just happens to be my best friend).
I was clearly ready for my vacation because Sunday night/ Monday morning I had a dream that we were going to Hawaii. Too bad it was just a dream though. After I got ready I had lunch with my grandma and went to get my little cousins birthday gift. Monday night was filled with take out and more packing! I seriously can’t wait to be done packing.
And to bring the circle to a close (for now) I got to spend the day with the cutest kids and my cousin. We took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch and froze our asses off. I had like 6 goats jump on me while I was trying to feed them, and one of the baby goats got out of the gate and into the waiting gate area. I couldn't pick him up and put him back because there is clearly a no picking up the animals sign right by the gates..UGHHHH… so I tried to scoot him back into the gates, and that’s when the stupid goats jumped on me. Took lots of pictures and then went to get the kids lunch. Kylie fell asleep on the way home so I drove around town until 2 so my mom could come help me pack some more.

Now I’m watching the Halloween episode of PLL and the season premiere of Ravenswood.
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