So I haven’t done a blog in awhile and I am so sorry!! Its
not that I don’t have anything to post about, believe me I do, I just haven’t
had enough time! So Hopefully I will get most of them posted tomorrow. We have
been catching up on housework and just trying to spend as much time together as
possible. This summer so far has been pretty good; Lennox loves going on walks
and eating ice cream, and pretty much everything else he can get ahold of. So
far it has been glasses, (2 pairs) his dog bed, a few pairs of shoes, endless
socks, Jesses wallet, and a canvas. No on ever told me how hard it was having a
puppy! And we want another one, what is wrong with us!?! The summer has been
filled with family parties, baby showers, bridal shower, and spending time with
friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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