was PCOS awareness month. PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is
an imbalance with hormones. Many women with PCOS have trouble getting pregnant,
and or staying pregnant. PCOS symptoms are not the same for everyone.
1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women of childbearing age has
PCOS. Researchers also think insulin may be linked to PCOS. Many women with
PCOS have too much insulin in their bodies because they have problems using it.
Excess insulin appears to increase production of androgen.
Some of the symptoms of PCOS include Infertility
(not able to get pregnant) because of not ovulating. In fact, PCOS is the most
common cause of female infertility.
Infrequent, absent, and/or irregular menstrual
Cysts on the ovaries
Acne, oily skin, or dandruff
Weight gain or obesity, usually with extra weight
around the waist
Patches of skin on the neck, arms, breasts, or
thighs that are thick and dark brown or black
Skin tags — excess flaps of skin in the armpits
or neck area
Pelvic pain
Women with PCOS have higher chances of
PCOS is very real; I was diagnosed when I was 18.
I knew NOTHING about it, and honestly I am still learning. PCOS does not define
me though, its not my story, its just a fraction. Yes, we have had trouble
getting pregnant. Yes, we do want children. For those who follow my blogs, well
you know that we have had two miscarriages. Yes, it was devastating. Yes, we
are trying. No, we haven’t been to the doctor for more help. Yes, I have taken
clomid (drug to simulate ovulation). If we don’t get pregnant within the next
year, we will be going to see an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) to explore
our options.
October is Pregnancy & Infant loss awareness
month. So if you know someone who is struggling with the loss of a pregnancy,
or SIDS, etc. be kind to them, say a prayer and let them know that you love
them. You may have forgotten, but they haven’t, and the loss is still just as
fresh and raw even if it was a long time ago. We will always remember the day
it happened, the missed due dates, and the what-ifs. We think about who they
might have been and how different our lives would be. We shouldn’t have to feel
alone, even though we do. This is more common than most people think. It’s hard
to understand unless you have experienced the pain that comes with loving
something so much and then having it taking away just as fast. The pain is very
real, and you feel like it is your fault. Two songs that I absolutely adore,
and that helped me tremendously through both of our losses are, Praise you inthe Storm & Bring the Rain. I hope this helps someone somewhere, and
remember you’re never alone.
Jesus, Bring the rain.
Jesus, Bring the rain.
Angel Baby #1- July 2013
Angel Baby#2- April 2015
Patiently waiting for our Rainbow baby

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