I have really been missing my blog! I love to do posts, but I
don’t want to bore people with my “boring” life when I have nothing to talk about. I have been working a lot lately,
and working on a wedding invitation design for my mom’s friend, and not
eating right (go figure). I did however lose 10 lbs in the first week of my
diet, and then fell off the band wagon. I am not giving up though! I won’t give
up this time! I NEED my hunter boots, ok well maybe not need them but I really want them
and I won’t buy them until I have lost the weight to get that reward. Yes, I am
doing the “reward” system for myself, because losing weight should be something
I am proud of and I think that if people are rewarded when they achieve a goal
they are more likely to succeed in the long run. So that is an update on the
weight loss part of this. Moving on!
Jesse finally got me new chalk for my chalk boards! I was so
excited because I was stuck drawing on the white board at work, but not
anymore! I did this last night when I wasn’t feeling good, so I didn’t take my
time at all I just wanted to break in my new chalk and then Kylie decided to
draw on both of my boards tonight rather than the blank one.

We (Jesse mainly) have been lucky enough to get to spend
time with Kylie (my best friends daughter) two times a week, and because I had
the day off today we did a craft. It didn’t turn out how I planned it to, but
what do you expect with a 2 year old. The picture turned out cute anyways, and I
had a big mess to clean up after. I wanted to take pictures, but unfortunately I
was covered in paint too and didn’t feel like scrubbing paint off my phone once
we were done.
Not much too really update on, it’s hard to believe that
January is already almost over!