Saturday, March 28, 2015

Date Night

Last night was date night for Jess and I. We haven’t had a “planned” date night in forever so it was a nice surprise. I got off work at 4, came home got ready and we were out the door by 5. We stopped at Target first, and I got my first Keurig! I am beyond excited. I have wanted one for a while and finally bit the bullet and bought one. 

Next was one of our favorite places to eat, Chipotle. Burrito bowls with a tortilla on the side are the best!!

 After we got done eating, we went and saw Get Hard. The theater was super crowded, but the movie was so funny! Kevin Hart is hilarious! I love watching his shows on TV or Netflix when I get a chance; Will and Kevin together are a great team. There is a TON of swearing in the movie, but if you can get past that I definitely recommend seeing it!

So after the movie we stopped at my grandparent’s house to help put my Great Grandma to bed. I have had such bad baby fever lately and everywhere I look I see babies and I dream about babies. It’s pretty bad, so we ended up discussing possible baby names for our fictional 50 kids that we are going to have. Jess is Korean, so he thought he was being funny throwing out random names I couldn’t pronounce even if I tried.

So we left and went home, I watched and episode of Greys Anatomy and Jess went to bed. I decided that it would be a good idea to set up my Keurig at midnight and make a cup of tea that came with it, and ended up dumping it because it tasted like and looked like tar. But coffee this morning has been much better! I LOVE New England coffee, but Target doesn’t sell it so I got Starbucks Mocha to try and it is pretty good with a little sugar and hazelnut creamer.

So today I am cleaning the house and hopefully finishing one of two paintings for my best friends son. Happy Saturday!